Thursday, June 14, 2012

027. 2013 Ford Escape

Cars aren't usually featured here, but since the 2013 has ECOBOOST, it implies some thought towards environmental responsibility and thus is welcomed here.

To read the review by the rental-car-reviewer-extraordinaire Dr. Zoidberg,

Also, read up on the Ford EcoBoost engine

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

026. Birds and Bees

Let's explore the animal instinct for survival...

Courtship: It All Begins Here

Seeing a female resting nearby...

... the male mourning dove prepares to make his move.

But she escapes just in time...

...and he retreats, hiding his head in shame.
She says to her female friend,
"You'll never believe who just hit on me..."

Lonely is the solitary mourning dove.

Pollination: Everybody Wins

Winner Takes All

Everything worth anything takes work.

Sometimes you may have to chase it.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

025. Caged Rescues

Though the day was overcast and rainy, there were still tours being guided through the Willowbrook Wildlife Center, to observe numerous non-native birds migrating through Glen Ellyn, Illinois. What brought me there was one magnificent creature: the bald eagle, named River. Having seen bald eagles only 3 times in the wild, I took this opportunity to see one up close, even with cage bars in the way. Despite that enclosure, it was strikingly beautiful. Also present were several other types of predatory birds and animals, including a red-tailed hawk, peregrine falcon, American kestrel, great-horned owl, barred owls, turkey vulture, red foxes and even a bobcat, to name a few. All were rescues, unable for release into the wild (temporarily or permanently), and just as beautiful as ever.

River, the bald eagle

River's roommate was a golden eagle, that has recently passed away... 

Juno, the barred owl (roommate's name?)

Juno's roommate is missing one eye, preventing his release back into the wild. 
Juno appears to be sympathetically winking.

This owl was tiny, only about 8 or 10 inches tall, but his eyes were huge!

Tonka, the great horned owl

Monty, an American kestrel

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