Thursday, November 1, 2012

030. Hawks Train Hunting

This is my favorite time of year, and not just because of that crispness in the air which fall brings.

No, it's because it's when young hawks are trained to hunt!

Usually this means there are two adults and one juvenile flying very close, and hang out in one spot (over my house) long enough to take photos... oh, and it helps there's an early-detection system, too, with a loud alarm: CROWS!!!

Crows don't like hawks "conducting business" in their neighborhood, so they gang up and "mob" the trespassers. Normally this means a close-range cacophony of belligerent ca-caws, but one brave crow actually went birdo-e-birdo against the youthful hawk this time! Maybe it's a mutually agreed upon training strategy between the species, who knows...

*** NOTE: these photos were taken in the driveway (and it's a residential neighborhood) ***

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